Digital Transformation

The Digital Transformation Revolution: How Technology is Reshaping Industries

Digital transformation has become a key focus across all industries.

With the aim of staying ahead of market shifts and competitors, businesses are prioritizing digital initiatives. According to Gartner, a staggering 91% of companies are actively involved in digital projects, with 87% of senior leaders viewing digitalization as essential for future-proofing their organizations.

From artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT), companies are integrating these cutting-edge technologies to digitize every aspect of their operations. This digital revolution isn’t confined to internal processes; it’s reshaping organizational culture and mindsets.

Interestingly, a whopping 89% of companies have already adopted a digital-first approach or plan to do so. This shift towards digitalization isn’t limited to specific sectors; it spans across IT, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and beyond, creating value across the board.

In this blog, we’ll delve into how digital transformation is revolutionizing various industries. But before that, let’s go through this simple definition of digital transformation.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation refers to the integration of digital technology into all aspects of business operations, fundamentally changing how organizations operate and deliver value to customers. It’s not just about adopting new technologies; it’s about leveraging them to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and stay competitive in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

The Impact of Digital Transformation:

Digital transformation is revolutionizing industries in numerous ways:


In healthcare, digital technologies are enhancing patient care, streamlining processes, and improving outcomes.

Electronic health records (EHRs) make patient information easily accessible to healthcare providers, while telemedicine allows patients to receive medical care remotely.

Wearable devices and health apps help individuals monitor their health and fitness, leading to proactive healthcare management.


Technology has transformed the way we learn and teach. Online learning platforms offer flexible education options, allowing students to access coursework from anywhere at any time. Interactive digital textbooks, virtual classrooms, and educational apps engage students and cater to diverse learning styles.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is also being used to personalize learning experiences and provide real-time feedback to students.


The retail industry has undergone a digital revolution with the rise of e-commerce. Online shopping platforms like Amazon and Alibaba have changed the way consumers shop, offering convenience, choice, and personalized recommendations.

Brick-and-mortar retailers are embracing digital technology to enhance the in-store experience through features like augmented reality (AR) try-on tools and self-checkout kiosks.


Digital transformation has disrupted the financial services industry, leading to the rise of fintech companies and digital banking solutions. Mobile payment apps, peer-to-peer lending platforms, and robo-advisors are redefining how consumers manage their finances.

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing processes like cross-border payments and securities trading by providing secure, transparent, and decentralized solutions.


Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth industrial revolution, is driving digital transformation in manufacturing. Automation, robotics, and IoT devices are optimizing production processes, increasing efficiency, and reducing costs.

Smart factories equipped with connected sensors and data analytics tools enable predictive maintenance, inventory optimization, and real-time monitoring of equipment performance.


The transportation industry is undergoing significant changes with the advent of digital technology. Ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft have revolutionized urban mobility, offering convenient and affordable transportation options.

Electric vehicles (EVs), autonomous vehicles, and smart transportation systems are reshaping the future of mobility, making transportation safer, more sustainable, and efficient.

Key Technologies Driving Digital Transformation

Several key technologies are driving the digital transformation revolution:

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

AI algorithms and machine learning techniques are powering intelligent systems that can analyze data, make predictions, and automate tasks with human-like intelligence. AI is being used in various industries, from healthcare and finance to retail and manufacturing, to enhance decision-making, improve efficiency, and deliver personalized experiences.

Internet of Things (IoT):

The IoT refers to the network of interconnected devices and sensors that collect and exchange data over the internet. In industries like healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation, IoT devices enable real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and remote control of equipment and processes. Smart home devices, wearable gadgets, and connected vehicles are examples of IoT applications in everyday life.

Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing allows organizations to store, manage, and access data and applications over the internet instead of on local servers or personal computers. Cloud services offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, making it easier for businesses to deploy and manage IT resources. From small startups to large enterprises, organizations across industries are migrating to the cloud to drive innovation and agility.

Big Data Analytics:

Big data analytics involves the collection, processing, and analysis of large volumes of data to uncover patterns, trends, and insights that can inform decision-making and drive business growth. In industries like retail, finance, and marketing, big data analytics helps organizations understand customer behavior, optimize operations, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Challenges and Opportunities

While digital transformation offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges and opportunities for organizations:


As organizations embrace digital technologies, cybersecurity threats are on the rise. Protecting sensitive data, networks, and systems from cyber attacks is a top priority for businesses across all industries. Implementing robust cybersecurity measures and investing in employee training are essential to safeguarding against cyber threats.

Skills Gap:

The rapid pace of technological change has created a skills gap, with many organizations struggling to find employees with the necessary digital skills. Investing in employee training and upskilling programs can help bridge the gap and ensure that organizations have the talent they need to succeed in the digital age.


Digital transformation opens up new opportunities for innovation and growth. Organizations that embrace digital technologies and foster a culture of innovation are better positioned to adapt to changing market conditions, meet customer demands, and stay ahead of the competition.


The digital transformation revolution is reshaping industries across the globe, from healthcare and education to finance and manufacturing.

By embracing digital technologies like AI, IoT, cloud computing, and big data analytics, organizations can drive innovation, improve efficiency, and deliver superior customer experiences.

While digital transformation presents challenges, it also offers opportunities for organizations to thrive in today’s digital economy. By understanding the impact of digital transformation and adopting a proactive approach to change, businesses can position themselves for success in the digital age.

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation in Small Businesses: Strategies for Success

Digital Transformation enables organizations to improve efficiency efficiency, agility, and customer experiences. While large corporations often dominate discussions on digitalization, small businesses stand to gain immensely from strategic digital transformation.

This blog explores the significance of digital transformation for small businesses and outlines actionable strategies to navigate this transformative journey successfully.

Digital Small Business Strategy

Understanding Digital Transformation for Small Businesses

In digital transformation, businesses harness digital technologies to streamline their businesses and deliver value to their customers. Tapping into digital transformation is not just about embracing the latest technologies; it is about building a culture of improving processes, a culture of innovation, and getting a competitive edge.

Why Digital Transformation Matters for Small Businesses:

Enhanced Efficiency:

Digital tools streamline business processes, reducing manual efforts and minimizing errors.

Switching to automation saves you time that can be invested in the core activities of your business.

Improved Customer Experience:

Digital transformation enables small businesses to provide a seamless and personalized customer experience. From online transactions to responsive customer support, leveraging digital channels enhances overall satisfaction and loyalty.

Increased Agility:

Small businesses need to adapt quickly to market changes. Digital transformation fosters agility by providing real-time data insights, enabling rapid decision-making, and facilitating the adjustment of business strategies in response to evolving market dynamics.

Competitive Edge:

In a digital era, staying competitive requires embracing technological advancements. Small businesses that integrate digital tools gain a competitive edge, attracting a tech-savvy customer base and positioning themselves as leaders in their niche.


Digital systems are inherently scalable, accommodating growth without significant disruptions. Small businesses can scale operations seamlessly, entering new markets or expanding their product/service offerings with greater ease.

Strategies for Successful Digital Transformation in Small Businesses:

Define Clear Objectives:

Start by defining specific, measurable, and achievable goals for your digital transformation. Whether it’s optimizing internal processes, reaching a wider audience, or enhancing customer engagement, clarity on objectives guides the entire transformation journey.

Cultivate a Digital Culture:

Promote a culture of digital innovation across your organization. You can achieve this by encouraging your people to learn new technologies; launching training programs and allowing for experimentation. As a result, you are likely to have a digitally literate workforce that is compatible to thrive in this dynamic digital landscape.

Invest in the Right Technologies:

Identify technologies that align with your business goals. This could include cloud computing, data analytics, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, e-commerce platforms, and more. Invest in solutions that address your specific needs and contribute to overall efficiency.

Prioritize Customer-Centric Solutions:

Put the customer at the core of your digital transformation strategy by prioritizing customer-centric solutions. Use technologies and tools, such as mobile apps, user-friendly websites, and individualized communication channels, to improve the customer experience. Customer input collection and analysis are also essential for ongoing development.

Making Decisions Based on Data:

Use data analytics to guide your decision-making. Gainful insights can be obtained by examining consumer behavior, industry trends, and internal operations. Making decisions based on data enables small firms to take proactive measures in addressing opportunities and difficulties.

Embrace E-Commerce:

If applicable to your business model, establish a strong online presence and embrace e-commerce. An e-commerce platform not only expands your reach but also opens new revenue streams. Ensure a seamless and secure online transaction experience for your customers.

Collaborate and Partner:

Collaborate with other businesses, technology providers, and industry experts. Partnerships can bring in expertise, resources, and shared insights that accelerate your digital transformation. Explore collaborative opportunities that align with your business objectives.

Cybersecurity Measures:

Cybersecurity has become more important than ever, thanks to the escalating risk of cyber threats such as malware, viruses, phishing, and hacking. Therefore, it is important to have a sound cybersecurity plan to deal with such risks.

This includes data encryption, frequent security assessments, safe payment gateways, and cybersecurity best practices training for staff members.

Agile Implementation:

Take an approach to implementation that is agile. Divide up your digital transformation plans into more manageable, smaller projects. This makes it possible to improve continuously, iterate more quickly, and be flexible enough to adjust to changing conditions.

Employee Education and Participation:

Make sure your staff members have the abilities and know-how required in the digital era. To keep them informed about the newest technology and how they are being used in the workplace, offer them continual training courses. In order to improve buy-in and teamwork, actively involve employees in the change process.

Measure and Adjust:

Regularly assess progress, gather feedback from stakeholders, and be prepared to adjust your strategy based on insights and changing business requirements.


In an era where digital technologies continue to reshape industries, small businesses can harness the power of digital transformation to thrive and remain competitive.

By defining clear objectives, cultivating a digital culture, investing in the right technologies, and prioritizing customer-centric solutions, small businesses can navigate the complexities of digital transformation successfully.

Embracing this transformative journey not only enhances operational efficiency but also positions small businesses as agile, customer-focused, and future-ready entities in the evolving business landscape.

Digital Transformation

Unveiling the Virtues of Digital Transformation for Governments

Digital transformation stands as an omnipresent force, radically reshaping how governments operate. The process of digitizing various facets of government services and operations isn’t just about streamlining processes; it’s about elevating the quality of service delivery.

This comprehensive blog delves deep into the multifaceted benefits of digital transformation for governments, underscoring its paramount importance and profound impact, with a focal lens on the United States. Furthermore, we’ll cast a luminous spotlight on One Federal Solutions (OFS), an organization fervently dedicated to expediting the digital transformation journey.

Efficiency and Cost Savings

In the grand tapestry of government operations, efficiency and cost savings weave a compelling narrative. Digital transformation endows governments with a golden opportunity to optimize their operations. Through the automation of repetitive and time-consuming tasks, governments can achieve substantial cost savings and operational efficiency, akin to a well-oiled machine.

Consider the implementation of automated document processing systems; these marvels reduce the need for manual data entry, thereby mitigating the risk of errors. This heightened efficiency translates into expedited decision-making and response times, a boon not only for the government but also for the citizens reliant on its services.

Enhanced Service Delivery

One of the most discernible fruits of digital transformation, ripe for citizens to savor, is the enhanced service delivery. Governments, in their newfound digital avatars, proffer citizens seamless access to services through the digital realm, negating the need for physical pilgrimages to government offices. This accessibility ensures that a litany of services, spanning license renewals, tax payments, and permit applications, can be consummated with consummate ease, all from the sanctuary of one’s home.

Furthermore, digital transformation confers a veneer of personalization upon service delivery. Government agencies, armed with the arsenal of data analytics, can tailor their services to individual needs and preferences. Imagine a citizen interfacing with government services that anticipate their unique requirements. This personalization not only augments the customer experience but also engenders greater citizen satisfaction and loyalty.

Data-Driven Decision Making

In the age of data, the wisdom of digital transformation lies in its capacity to harness this invaluable asset. Governments, as data stewards, wield data as a potent instrument for informed decision-making. By collecting and dissecting data, governments can sculpt their decisions with the chisel of insights. Consider the prospect of predictive analytics identifying trends and patterns, serving as a crystal ball that enables proactive policy adjustments to address emerging issues.

Moreover, data-driven decision-making instills a sense of efficiency in resource allocation. Government agencies, through data analysis, can pinpoint areas of high demand and allocate resources judiciously. This judicious allocation ensures better service provision without dissipating valuable resources.

Improved Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and accountability are the twin pillars of virtuous governance. Digital transformation, akin to a beacon of transparency, illuminates government operations for public scrutiny. Citizens can now access information about government activities, budgets, and projects via online portals, fostering trust and fortifying accountability.

The essence of accountability extends beyond transparency. Digital audit trails and reporting mechanisms are the custodians of accountability, ensuring that government actions are documented and accessible when the need arises. This transparency and accountability tandem is indispensable for maintaining public faith in government institutions.

Enhanced Security

With the burgeoning reliance on digital technologies, security emerges as a paramount concern. Digital transformation equips governments to fortify their cybersecurity measures, constructing an impregnable fortress to safeguard sensitive data and critical infrastructure from the specter of cyber threats. Robust security protocols, encryption, and periodic cybersecurity assessments are the bulwarks of digital transformation initiatives.

Moreover, digital transformation serves as a vanguard for data privacy compliance. Government agencies, in their digital metamorphosis, adhere steadfastly to data privacy laws and regulations. This unwavering commitment to data protection not only safeguards citizens’ personal information but also upholds the government’s integrity in the eyes of the law.

Citizen Engagement and Satisfaction

Effective citizen engagement stands as a lodestar of digital transformation. Governments can now harness digital channels, such as websites, mobile apps, and social media, to interact with citizens, solicit feedback, and address concerns with alacrity. This proactive engagement not only augments citizen satisfaction but also shapes policies and services to better align with the community’s needs.

The convenience of digital services is an undeniable catalyst for citizen satisfaction. When citizens can access government services online 24/7, they revel in the convenience and efficiency of their interactions with the government. This convenience extends to online forms, live chat support, and digital assistance tools, where citizens find answers to their queries at their fingertips.


Digital transformation unfurls the banner of accessibility, ensuring that government services are within reach of all citizens, including those with disabilities. Inclusive design practices and a commitment to accessibility standards guarantee that government websites and applications are user-friendly for everyone. This commitment isn’t merely a legal requirement; it is a testament to the government’s dedication to equal access to its services.

Scalability and Flexibility

Government agencies are often at the mercy of shifting tides and unforeseen emergencies. Digital transformation furnishes them with the agility to adapt and scale their digital services at breakneck speed. For instance, during a public health crisis, agencies can swiftly deploy digital solutions to disseminate information, manage resources, and communicate with the public. This flexibility is a beacon for responding to evolving challenges without missing a beat.

One Federal Solutions (OFS):

As we traverse the terrain of digital transformation, One Federal Solutions (OFS) emerges as a guiding star in the firmament of government evolution. OFS stands unwavering in its commitment to innovation and expertise, positioning itself as a trusted partner for government agencies. OFS comprehends the unique challenges besetting government organizations and forges tailor-made solutions to vanquish these challenges with élan.

OFS marries cutting-edge technologies with battle-tested practices, delivering results with unparalleled efficacy. Their approach hinges on a profound understanding of the specific problems dogging government agencies. They excel in the realm of virtual interactions, wielding technology as a bridge to connect with clients. At OFS, they venerate the people behind the technology, acknowledging that human ingenuity is the linchpin of technological solutions. Through their partnership, government agencies embark on the digital transformation journey with unswerving confidence, delivering efficient services that propel progress for all.


In summation, the benefits of digital transformation for governments are far-reaching and profound. From cost savings to amplified citizen engagement, these advantages resonate like a symphony of progress. Digital transformation isn’t merely a modernization gambit; it is the nexus where governments enhance their operations, fortify their relationships with citizens, and blaze a trail toward a future that’s more accessible and efficient.

One Federal Solutions (OFS) serves as the North Star, guiding government agencies through this transformational odyssey. As governments embrace digital transformation, they are not merely adapting to change; they are catalyzing change, embodying a commitment to a brighter, more connected, and more accessible future. The journey has begun, and the destination is one of boundless possibilities.

Digital Transformation Uncategorized

9 Reasons You Need Digital Transformation Consulting

Digital transformation has become a buzzword in the business world over the past few years. With the increasing pace of technological advancements, businesses that fail to keep up with the changes risk falling behind their competitors. Digital transformation consulting can help organizations leverage technology to improve their operations, increase efficiency, and boost profitability. In this blog post, we will discuss ten reasons why you need digital transformation consulting.

Improve Customer Experience:

Digital transformation consulting can help organizations improve their customer experience. By leveraging technology, businesses can better understand their customers’ needs and preferences, and tailor their offerings accordingly. Digital transformation consulting can help organizations identify the right technology tools and platforms to engage with their customers, provide personalized experiences, and build long-term relationships.

Enhance Operational Efficiency:

By automating manual processes, streamlining workflows, and implementing digital solutions, businesses can improve their productivity and reduce costs. Digital transformation consulting can help organizations identify areas where they can automate processes, adopt new technologies, and optimize their operations to achieve better results.

Enable Remote Work:

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for remote work. Digital transformation consulting can help organizations enable remote work by implementing the right technology tools and platforms. Remote work can help businesses save on office space, reduce commute times for employees, and enable them to work from anywhere. Digital transformation consulting can help organizations identify the right tools and platforms to support remote work, such as cloud-based collaboration tools, virtual meeting software, and digital project management platforms.

Increase Agility:

Digital transformation consulting can help organizations identify the right tools and platforms to enable agility, such as cloud-based software, agile project management methodologies, and digital marketing automation tools.

Boost Data-Driven Decision-Making:

By collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data, businesses can make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability. Digital transformation consulting can help organizations identify the right tools and platforms to collect and analyze data, such as data analytics software, machine learning algorithms, and predictive analytics models.

Enhance Cybersecurity:

With the increasing frequency and severity of cyber-attacks, businesses need to take steps to protect their sensitive data and systems. Digital transformation consulting can help organizations identify potential security risks, implement cybersecurity best practices, and adopt the right technology solutions to mitigate security threats.

Reduce Costs:

Digital transformation consulting can help organizations reduce costs. For example, the manual workflows can be automated to save money and time.

Digital transformation consulting can help organizations identify areas where they can reduce costs, such as by adopting cloud-based solutions, optimizing supply chain management, and automating accounting and finance processes.

Improve Employee Engagement:

In today’s fast-paced business environment, employee engagement has become a critical success factor for organizations. Engaged employees are more committed, productive, and likely to stay with the company for the long-term. Digital transformation consulting can help organizations improve employee engagement by leveraging technology to create a positive work culture and foster collaboration.

By providing employees with the right technology tools and platforms, businesses can enhance communication, collaboration, and productivity. Digital transformation consulting can help organizations identify the right tools and platforms that can make a significant difference in employee engagement. For example, employee engagement software can help businesses measure employee satisfaction and gather feedback to make data-driven decisions that improve the employee experience.

Stay Competitive:

Businesses need to embrace digital transformation to survive and thrive in the marketplace. Digital transformation consulting can help organizations stay competitive by identifying the right technology tools and platforms to leverage the latest innovations.

With the rapid pace of technological change, businesses that fail to adopt new technologies risk falling behind their competitors. Digital transformation consulting can provide insights into emerging technologies and trends, allowing businesses to make informed decisions about how to incorporate them into their operations.

For example, digital transformation consulting can help organizations implement cloud computing solutions, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics. These technologies can help businesses streamline their processes, reduce costs, and gain insights into their customers’ behaviors and preferences. By leveraging these tools, organizations can make data-driven decisions that help them stay ahead of the competition.

The Bottom Line:

Digital transformation consulting is crucial for organizations that want to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment. By identifying the right technology tools and platforms, organizations can streamline their operations, engage with customers more effectively, and create new revenue streams. With the help of a digital transformation consultant, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and remain relevant in their markets.

At OFS, we have years of experience in digital transformation consulting. We understand the challenges that organizations face when it comes to implementing new technologies, and we have the expertise to guide you through the process.

Our team of experts will work with you to assess your current technology infrastructure, identify areas for improvement, and develop a roadmap for your digital transformation. We’ll help you select the right technology tools and platforms to meet your specific business needs and objectives, ensuring that your digital transformation aligns with your overall business strategy. Get in touch now!

Digital Transformation

Understanding the Benefits of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is one of the biggest buzzwords in business today, but it’s not just another fad or marketing strategy to implement for its own sake. In fact, digital transformation can help your business make strategic advances in productivity, customer service, and agility, which are crucial to succeeding in a competitive marketplace. If you’re ready to learn more about why digital transformation matters and how you can begin to make the most of it, read on to discover 7 reasons why digital transformation is absolutely essential to the future of your company.

1) Digital transformation improves customer experience

Customers have never been more demanding. Today, customers expect brands to meet their needs through personalized and customized experiences, no matter how or where they connect with your brand. As such, digital transformation isn’t about simple automation or digitizing one aspect of your business; it’s an enterprise-wide focus on creating modernized services that can deliver on customer expectations at any time and any place. By leveraging digital technology and moving away from legacy platforms that aren’t equipped to handle today’s consumer demands, you can improve your customer experience in areas like information access, service delivery, inventory management and even pricing schemes. And doing so can help you attract new customers while retaining those who already buy from you regularly—which makes investing in digital transformation worth every penny.

2) Digital transformation creates jobs

With nearly 15 million unfilled jobs in America and employers struggling to fill open positions, it’s more important than ever for US companies to compete globally. The good news? Technology gives companies of all sizes—even small businesses with fewer than 10 employees—the opportunity to create competitive advantages. With advanced technology and innovative processes, you can attract and retain top talent while providing state-of-the-art services that engage customers. And, as today’s workforce continues shifting from brick-and-mortar jobs to jobs tied to online business models and technologies, being nimble enough to keep up with rapid digital change is essential for survival.

3) Digital transformation helps companies grow faster

When your customers are adapting to technology faster than you are, they have more options than ever before. Those who embrace digital transformation and make it a priority will grow faster, while others fall behind. It’s that simple. Companies that stay ahead of technology trends will outpace their competitors and grow quickly over time. In fact, according to research by IBM, 53% of CMOs believe that superior customer experience through digital marketing and sales creates competitive advantage and can lead to increased market share or revenue growth. That’s why it’s crucial for companies to stay on top of new technologies as soon as they emerge so they can be first to market with innovations in their industry.

4) Digital transformation makes operations leaner

Businesses that utilize digital transformation see an 8 percent increase in operating efficiency. Digitally transformed companies are 24 percent faster at responding to market shifts and 15 percent more able to adapt to change. Small businesses that use technology to boost their efficiency—such as automation software—are significantly more profitable than those that don’t. What’s more, digital transformation leads to decreased costs: For every dollar spent on digital solutions, small businesses save $2.50-$3 in costs. (Even big businesses see similar results.) Digital services often carry lower price tags than traditional services: For example, banks spend $10 billion annually on ATM fees while digitally-transformed fintech startups charge 0 percent for many transactions.

5) Digital transformation generates revenue opportunities

The need for digital transformation isn’t just about keeping up with competition or making customers happy. It can also help companies recognize new business opportunities and give them access to larger markets they otherwise couldn’t reach. For example, Jack Ma realized that rural consumers in China were going online through their mobile phones to buy items because they didn’t have access to brick-and-mortar stores. Alibaba capitalized on that opportunity by creating platforms like Taobao to allow those consumers purchase goods through its site. Today, Alibaba is worth over $300 billion and it doesn’t seem like it will stop growing anytime soon.

6) Digital transformation improves business processes

One of the main benefits of digital transformation is it helps businesses maintain and improve their business processes. For example, companies can use artificial intelligence to provide better customer service or offer more relevant products to existing customers. Additionally, companies can use big data analytics to monitor their business closely and quickly identify areas for improvement. Businesses also benefit from transformation because it allows them to speed up their decision-making process by putting information at people’s fingertips without having to rely on e-mail communication or direct meetings. Because decisions can be made much faster through digital platforms, companies will spend less time debating decisions that need immediate attention and have more time for strategic thinking about long-term goals.

7) Digital transformation will transform your business.

Digital transformation will transform your business. You’ve probably heard that catchy phrase somewhere along your company’s digital journey. But what does it really mean? And more importantly, how can your business successfully make such an enormous shift to its operations and culture? According to Gartner, transformation means making fundamental changes to all parts of a business from its core operating model to value chain, structure and talent. And like something you’ll want some help with as well. So where do you start? It depends on what needs updating first.